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Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014

Tugas Akhir Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Sondre Lerche – Two Way Monologue
All the other options that you had in mind startle me
`Cause I'm optionless and turkey-free and blind
Won't you listen and I'll let you in on this
Blind me!
Won't you listen I'll reduce advice to dust
Oh no!
I shouldn't have to spell my name
If it's worth the made up smiles, to quiet fights
Oh mother!
It is hard not to look in the mirror's eye
I have come to this while you have come along
So it's alright if you change your mind the other way around again
I shouldn't have to spell my name
So start the two way monologues that speak your mind
We're talking two way monologues with words that rhyme
Can't reclaim the shirts we threw away last twirl
Uncurl the note-in-pocket, personal brochures that dust
Machine-washed, that's how paper rusts
Days you spend wanting some of Michael Landon's grace
Strike back, now they shape your life as stony as his face
Oh no! I shouldn't have to spell his name
So start the two way monologues that speak your mind
Start the two way monologues with words that rhyme
Start the two way monologues that speak your mind
We're talking two way monologues
We were chasing rabbits on the hill
And that prairie-life was great, but never real
`Cause we never saw no rabbits out there, ever, no, not once
All we did was put a fire up and watch it burn for months
And I miss the sound of stairs and walls and maladjusted doors
And too little space for holding all the soldiers and the war
start the two way monologues that speak your mind
start the two way monologues that speak your mind
We're talking two way monologues

Indonesian Translate
Ma, semua ide yang kau lontarkan Sungguh mengejutkanku
Karena aku terlalu santai dan tidak mau pusing
Pa, maukah kau mendengarkan dahulu kalau mau ikutan dalam hal ini
Bodohnya diriku
Kalau ga juga, aku ga akan ambil pusing kau mau mengoceh apapun
harusnya aku tak mengeja namaku
Ma, sampai perlu bersenyum palsu untuk meredakan keributan
Oh, ibuku
Sesulit itukah menatap mata di cermin itu
Aku akan turun tangan kau boleh ikut bersamaku
Tapi tidak apa, kalau kau berubah pikiran juga
Harusnya aku tak mengeja namaku
Jadi bicarahlah pada diri sendiri secara dua arah untuk menyuarakan pikiranmu
Kita bicara pada diri sendiri secara dua arah dengan kata-kata yang berirama
Kita, takkan bisa mengambil kembali kaos yg sudah kita buang
Meluruskan kertas catatan di brosur yg mulai rontok
Karena masuk ke mesin cuci
Hari hari yang kau habiskan mendapatkan pujian dari Michael Landon
Serang balik, saat ini mereka mencoba membuatmu muram seperti dirinya
Oh tidak, harusnya aku tak mengeja namaku
Jadi mulailah bicara pada diri sendiri dengan dua arah untuk menyuarakan pikiranmu
Mulai bicara sendiri dua arah dengan irama
Kita bicara sendiri dari dua sisi
Kita sedang mengejar kelinci di bukit
Semua kehidupan padang rumput itu keren tapi tidak nyata
Karena kita tidak pernah melihat kelinci bahkan seeokorpun
Yang ada kita malah membakar tempat itu dan menonton kebakarannya berbulan-bulan
Dan betapa aku rindu suara derit tangga tembok dan engsel pintu yg ga rapih
Dan sedikit tempat menampung tentara dalam perang

Lagu ini berkisah tentang seorang pemuda dengan dilema dalam hidupnya dan mencoba bertanya pada dirinya dengan 2 sisi monolog. Lagu ini sungguh berkesan untuk saya terutama saat pertama mendengarkannya kebetulan hidup saya juga mengalami dilema seperti pemuda di dalam lagu ini.

Tugas 2 & 3 Softskill

Conditional Sentences (If Clause)
Conditional Sentence is a sentence form, that use to describe an event that need some requirements or condition. So this sentence were divided to 2 structure the first is main clause that the event itself, the second is the condition clause to trigger that event or we say  the if clause.
Main Clause + IF/Unless Conditional Clause
IF/Unless Conditional Clause + Main Clause

There is also 3 type of conditional sentences:
1.        Type I Present conditional (Can actually happen)
Formula: S + Verb1 + O + IF + S + Verb1 + O
Example:  John will make a best player of the team if you agree to raise his wage

2.        Type II Future conditional (Wondering/Dream)
Formula: S + Verb3 + O + IF + S + Verb3 + O
Example:  I would build my own castle if I became rich

3.        Type III Present Continue conditional (Can’t be happen)
Formula: S + to be (have/had) + Verb1 + O + IF + S + to be (have/had) + Verb1 + O
Example: I would have been finish my degree if my mentor haven’t suspend my essay

Passive Voice
Passive Voice is a sentence to express that something or an event that has already take place. Also to express a work that had been done by someone.
General formula:
Object + to be + verb3 + (by) Subject
The Artwork of this painting was done by Jan Pierre

Sabtu, 19 April 2014

Bahasa Inggris Binis 2 Tugas Pertama

English For Business 2 Task 1

1.     George is cooking   dinner      tonight
      S       V Phase    Comp   Mod of Time

"Is Cooking" is cosidered as V Phase because,  "Is Cooking" is composed of main verb and auxiliary that functions as a predicate.

2.     We     can eat      lunch   in the restaurant         today
  S     V Phase     Comp     Mod of Place    Mod of Time

"Can eat" is considered as V Phase because, "can eat" is composed of main verb and auxiliary that functions as a predicate, that is eat as main verb and can as predicate.

3.     Pat should have bought gasoline       today
  S            V Phase            Comp   Mod of Time

"Should have bought"  is Considered as V Phase because "should have bought" is composed of main verb and auxiliary that functions as a predicate, that is bought main verb and should have as predicate.

4.     She opened a checking account     in the bank        yesterday
  S       V                  Comp           Mod of Place    Mod of Time

if considered construction od a sentence is a sentence consisting of a subject, verb, comp, mod of time, and mod of place.

5.     He was driving very fast
 S     V Phase     Comp

"Was driving"  is V Phase because "was driving" is phrase composed of main verb and auxiliary that functions as a predicate, that is driving main verb and should was as predicate.

6.     She drave the car     on the street
  S       V    Comp    Mod of Place

if considered construction od a sentence is a sentence consisting of a subject, verb, comp, and mod of place.

7.     We girls are not going to that movie
      S            V Phase    Mod of Place

"Are not going" is V Phase cause should "are not going" are phrase composed of main verb and auxiliary that functions as a predicate, that is going main verb and are not was as predicate.

8.     The chemestry professor canceled  class     today
                      S                      V       Comp   Mod of Time

if considered construction od a sentence is a sentence consisting of a subject, verb, comp, and mod of time.

9.     She must have gone    to the bank
  S         V Phase       Mod of Place

"Must have gone"  is V Phase cause should "must have gone" are phrase composed of main verb and auxiliary that functions as a predicate, that is gone main verb and must have was as predicate.

10.                         The weather was very bad     yesterday
         S                 Comp        Mod of Time

if considered construction od a sentence is a sentence consisting of a subject, comp, and mod of time.

Task Source web link: